Enjoying flying drones is a fun hobby and advances in the development has provided an oppertunity
for people to generate income and even run profitable businesses. Like alot of cheap & quick business opportunists alot of startups happened and with that drone manufactures started creating some good quality, dependable, with high resolution camera drones. Unfortunately incedents happen and drones crash.

I have a particular unit that was acquired cheaply for the purpose of training. This drone configuration has 6 motors and is quite stable, but on this day it decided to stop the motors for about 5 seconds at a 30 foot hover. Why i dont know but the result was pretty bad.
If you have ever looked at retail replacement parts for specific manufactured parts you soon realize where they make alot of their revinue. Of course being a fixer we just put it in a box and waited for a solution, which happened aquiring a used uncrashed unit minus assessories for 200 bucks. This was the only result that would have brought this drone back to like, The unit sells for aroun 2000 with a camera, if i were to retail parts they would have been over 500 bucks. Hopefully there are enough to get back in the air

Because this is a complete rebuild this will be multiple segments to post. Firstly I had to aquire some landing gear parts, this unit has reteactable gear, a very cool feature but the servos are expensive. The option was to get used cases as replacement parts at 10 each. Following will be pix of the rebuild

Right click images and open in new tab for detail view

You can see there are some small parts, the gear uses hooks on a carrier, the hooks are broken. The pix are for details on assembly, there is a bearing buildup on the end

More to come as parts arrive