Quality Duel spool fan Questions
Microwave ovens have high quality components
The normal removal is the transformer, lots of crafty guys use them as spot welders, but after i removed
the transformer I noticed the good quality of the fan. So I removed it to explore uses and to see if it was still in working order.
It caught me off guard for all the wires but after staring at the label the smog cleared and I was able to make some sense of it
I’m not trained in electronics but modern manufactures normally give the specs, its just a matter of comprehending them. I almost posted a request for info but I figured I would just smoke test it, what the heck.
I was lost because the cap and the electric sign next to it but its clear you need a positive and neutral to spin it. Then the capacitor rating is listed, that takes care of the yellow and red. You have a choice of hi or low, that’s black and white so the other blue would be neutral.
I wired it up without a cap to see if i was correct. The fan works great you just have to spin it to get it to motor up, hense the cap. I will find a rated cap before i install this really nice unit somewhere. Living in Florida just about everything needs a secondary fan.
For anyone who doesn’t understand the Cap, capacitor, These things are in just about any electric motor, they store a charge then release it to kick off the motor spin. There are so many different types, normally you’ll have start, run, run&start. You need to read up on these because they will make you dead.
wired high
wired low speed
I found this picture of an assebbly with cap, an idea of what the cap looks like
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