One thing about tradesmen sentimentality runs deep. You will find a lot of old pros have tools from the very beginning. this is an example of something that kills good quality tools early in their useful term
I realize now a days things are just disposable, or its not worth fixing but i like to make examples o how this doesn’t have to be
Just this week i ran across a deal where there were 2 4in angle grinders for 30 bucks. now that’s a great price when the tools are a good brand, then again brand quality can be suspect also these days.
Here is my fixit for the day. I have a Milwaukee 4in grinder I have had over 20 years and it still kicks butt but the electrical cord broke down You see it all the time, the casing degrades and falls apart, the general repair is electrical tape till the complete cord is all tape. problem is the shielding on the wire is usually degraded also and the two wires short

Being the kinda guy that cuts cords I always have a spare, this one coming off a relatively new shop vac, a brown model that smoked it’s self out before 1 year, but the cord was nice, long and clean. I just couldn’t justify repairing the vac, it was obvious the china factory quality control was lacking.
This china manufactured crap shop tools is going to turn around, tradesmen don’t buy garbage tools and the china manufacturing of stolen intellectual property is coming to an end.
Tools are an investment

Wires are not to hard to figure out. Black and White here. Black being hot in most instances. If they are different probe the wires to the plug. You should know the two terminals are the larger being the neutral.
If you don’t know this now would be a good time to look up wiring an electrical outlet in your home.

I have been wanting to try these connectors, they have a solder ring that melts the two wires together
My first attempt thinking a lighter might work kinda failed, I think i set the shrink casing on fire. I continued and used a hot air gun, worked, and the connector was small so not to take up alot of room on reassembly. all in all about 15 minutes and i have a brand new cord