Electronic Components
- List of System on Module Manufacturers
- List of e-paper displays (suppliers / manufacturers)
- Bluetooth Module Manufacturers
- WiFi Module Manufacturers
- List of Energy harvesting: PMIC, Indoor Solar Cells Manufacturers
- List of Smart TFT Displays
- List of Plastic Enclosure Manufacturers
Embedded Systems Design
- List of FPGA Development Boards
- List of MCU Simulation Softwares
- List of Circuit Simulation Softwares
- List of Graphics Library for Microcontrollers
- List of GUI Frameworks for Embedded Linux
- List of 3D Printing Service Providing companies in India
- List of Online Electronics Components Shops
- List of Electronic Components Manufacturers in India
- List of Top 8 Power Profilers useful when developing battery-powered embedded products
- List of Testing Labs in India (EMI EMC, Environment, Vibration, Shock, etc.)
PCB Design
- PCB Design Softwares available in the market (Paid / Free / Cloud)
- Gerber viewer softwares
- Different sources of component library (schematic/PCB)
- Where to look for PCB components – 3D model?
- PCB Manufacturers in India
- PCB Manufacturers in USA
Raspberry Pi
- 10 Raspberry Pi (SBC) based Products
- Raspberry Pi SBC Alternatives (Clones)
- Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Carrier Boards
- 6 Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Boards (for CM3/3+)
- 10 Popular Commercial Products using Raspberry Pi Compute Module (for CM3/3+)
- Commercial products based on Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4